WJJ Hoge Subwoofer Photo gallery

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WJJ Hose subwoofer
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The first loudspeaker I ever built on my own was the an enormous subwoofer from an article I saw in the August 1976 issue of Audio Magazine. The design was done by WJJ Hoge, who worked for the CTS loudspeaker company at the time.

This subwoofer has 21 cubic feet of internal volume. This is the size of a refridgerator. He cited three different 15" bass drivers you could use. I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you could still find one of the Altec or JBL drivers still today.

It is far larger than most would care to have in their home. As the author put it, "600 litres (21 cubic feet) is about the largest box that the author can squeeze into the living room of his small apartment"

I think he had to be single.

The M&K subwoofer test record had a track with a howitzer shot being fired. Playing that track I could blow out match flames. Try that with your little 8" subwoofer you got from Best Buy!