So the time came for the rich man to leave this world and spend eternity in Heaven with God. As usual, Saint Peter is waiting at the Pearly Gates, but what he sees on this day astonishes even him! Whereas most people approach the Pearly Gates on foot, the rich man is driving up in an 18 wheeler semi!
Saint Peter waves at him frantically to stop and tells the rich man to wait. He checks his list and sees that while the rich man has permission to enter Heaven, he also knows that it strictly against Policy for anyone to bring their worldly possessions with them. Before the rich man can pass through the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter stops him and tells he can't bring any worldly things with him.
The rich man replies that he has an arrangement with God and that he has special permission to bring his riches with him into Heaven.
Saint Peter then gets on the phone and calls back to the Main Office where the Word from God is that yes indeed, the rich man has special permission to bring his riches with him into Heaven. Saint Peter frowns at this news, but he knows that he has to follow orders and let the rich man in with his truckload of riches.
As the rich man passes through the Pearly Gates, Saint Peter stops him one more time and says that he has to take note of what is in the truck. The rich man gets out of the cab, goes around back, lifts up the gate and proudly shows an enormous stack of gold bars.
Saint Peter is incredulous. He tilts his head, looks at the rich man and says,
"I don't get it. You made a special deal with God (and this ain't easy) to bring your riches with you. You got this big truck, drove all this way, and all you brought was paving stones?"