Before the paint job

Painting by Bob Campbell of Paint! Alameda

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Notice the plastic tarp on the roof, which was leaking at the time. A new shingled roof was put up by Ridout Roofing in March, 2001.

Also note the overhang above the balcony over the garage. As the overhang was a lame add-on, it was removed when the roof was done.

Take a closer look at the porch. In particular, look closely at the mailbox, house numbers and porch lamp, all of which were replaced.

You'll also notice that the house has rafter tails. These were trimmed off by the roofer who installed a gutter system around the roof perimeter.

It is our intent to replace the aluminum windows with double hung sash windows. The large picture window on the front of the house will eventually be replaced with double hung sash windows surrounding a center piece of glass.